Sometimes my partner Paul comes home from work with cake or chocolates to share. Lovely!
But one windy day last week he came back on his bike with a dog. He’d rung me from the back of our house saying he needed a lead. He’d found a lost dog.
Grabbing a lead and some dog food, I met Paul and the very friendly lost dog who had been having a little adventure, probably chasing cats, but whose collar was now in Paul’s safe hands.
Although I had never met the dog before, and she had no ID tag, I had an idea where she might have come from – and she was soon re-united with her family.
They were unaware she had been missing. I guess they thought she was safe in the garden, but stormy winds had blown down their back gate and the garden was no longer secure.
So, the moral of this true tale…it’s worth taking an extra minute, to keep our dogs safe after particularly windy weather conditions, to check that our garden boundaries are still secure.
They will have taken a battering in the current conditions.
I’m just glad this story had a happy ending.